Buying or Renewing Your Games Subscription

The 1 Year Games Subscription gives you access to all of the games on the website for 365 days. If you would like to know more about the subscription and make a purchase, please visit the 1 Year Games Subscription product page in our store.

If you would like to renew your games subscription, simply add the 1 Year Games Subscription product to your shopping cart in our store and check out. Once payment is received, you will have access to the games for another year.

If you would like to purchase or renew through our TeachersPayTeachers store, then please follow these instructions.

How to Buy on TPT

To purchase the Games Subscription on TPT, go to the product in our TPT store by clicking on this link:

Add the product to your cart and checkout. After you make your purchase, download the product PDF from your TPT account and follow the instructions to setup your subscription.

How to Renew on TPT

To renew your Games Subscription on TPT, click on the Buy Additional Licenses button on the product page and purchase 1 additional license. Then get your Order Number and Item Id from your invoice and follow the instructions on the product PDF that you can download from TPT.