Multiple choice questions include a question and up to 4 choices for the answer. Because the question itself can be almost anything, this type of question set is not compatible with our spelling and phonics games for example.
To create a Multiple Choice question set, click on My Questions in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Click on the Create Questions panel.
Click on the Multiple Choice panel.
Enter a descriptive title for your question set. The title is searchable on the Choose Questions page so be sure to use keywords that will make your set easy to find. Next enter a description and choose the appropriate grade, subject and language tags. If you think your question set will benefit other teachers, please make it public.
Click the Add Question button to add your first question.
A question editor will appear where you can type your question and add any supporting images. To add an image to your question, click the image button in the editor toolbar.
The Image Gallery will open and you can choose an image from the large gallery of clip art and photographs. Use the search bar at the top of the gallery to search for a specific image or use the filters under the search bar to pick a category to browse.
There currently isn't a way to add your own audio or sound files to the questions. We do have a Say the Word feature for a limited number of English words. To learn how it works, please read the FAQ article How does the Say the Word feature work in games?
When you are finished creating your questions, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save your question set. It is good practice to periodically click that Save button as you create questions to ensure that they are saved should a power outage occur or if you leave your computer during the creation process.