Progress Reports

The Student Progress Reports will tell you when your students played games and how well they performed in those games. The reports vary in detail from a general overview of time spent playing, to a detailed report of errors your students made in the games. Student progress tracking and reporting is a feature of the Games Subscription. To learn more about or purchase a subscription, please visit the Games Subscription page in our store.

Progress reports will be available after you have enabled progress tracking and your students have played games by clicking on their names in the Student View.

To access the Student Progress Reports, click on My Students & Groups in the menu bar at the top of the screen and then click on My Students. Next click on Student Progress Tracking & Reports.


The reports navigation section is where you will choose the report that you wish to view. By default, the Class Activity overview report loads automatically when you enter the Progress Reports page.


This Class Activity report gives you an overview of when each student last played a game and how they performed in the games. By default the date range for the report covers the last 7 days. All data that you see in the Class Activity report is summarized for that date range. If you would like to see a summary for a longer period of time or a different date range, simply change the dates in the From and To date boxes and then click Apply Date.

The next report in the navigation section is called Games Played. You can access that report by clicking on a student name in the Class Activity report or by clicking on the Games Played tab and then choosing a student name from the drop down.


By default you will be shown one summary record for each unique game that the student played. The report will show you on how many days the student played each game over the chosen date range and how they performed. If you would like to see a summary record for each day a student played that game, click on the Details tab and you will see a summary record for each day that they played.


You can easily switch between students by using the Student drop down in the Filter By section. You can also filter the report by a game to see only the records for one specific game.


The next report in the navigation section is called Progress Chart. This report is in a chart format so that you can easily visualize how a student has performed over time on all games or on an individual game. Using the Group By drop down, you can group the data by days, weeks or months depending on what makes sense for the date range of your report. You can easily switch between students by using the Students drop down in the Filter By section. Use the Filter by Game drop down to view data for all games that the student has played in the date range or for just one game.


The final report in the navigation section is called In-Game Errors. This report will show you all of the errors that a student made while playing games within the chosen date range. This report has a limit of 100 rows of data for performance reasons so if a student has made a lot of errors in games, it may be best to view this report by individual game using the Filter By Game drop down.

Because the questions in our games have many different formats, the questions in the Question column of the report may not look exactly how the student saw them in the games, but the content is the same and should give you a quick overview of where students are struggling.


Printing Progress Reports

To print any of the reports, use the browser's built in Print function. Often the print function can be accessed by right clicking on the screen and choosing Print. Or you can click on the browser menu button and then choose Print from that menu.

Next Tutorial: Creating Questions to be Played in Games