Passwords are not required for students to access games but if you would like to use them or if you enable Student Progress Tracking, it is best to create student passwords so that you can ensure a student is only playing their own games.
To make it easy for young learners to use a password, we have a very flexible system. You can choose to use picture or text passwords, and you can determine the length or difficulty of the passwords.
To enable student passwords, click on My Students & Groups in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click on My Students and then on Student List.
If you have not already created students, do that now by typing in your student names.
To setup passwords, click on the Settings button under the class list.
The Settings popup will appear. To enable passwords, choose either Picture or Text from the Student Passwords drop down. To disable passwords, choose None.
To help you set up passwords quickly, you can automatically generate passwords for all of your students by clicking the 'Auto-Generate Passwords' button.
Or you can click the Close button to save your settings and then create passwords one at a time by clicking in the password column of your class list.
To change a password, click on the password in the Password column. If it is a text password, you can use your keyboard to delete the text and type in a new password. If it is a picture password, a password selector will pop up. Click the 'X' to delete the password and then click on pictures to set the new password.
Now, when a student clicks on their name in the Student View, they will be prompted to enter their password before being shown their games.
Printing Student Passwords
You can print a passwords list for your own reference and you can also print passwords to give to students.
To print passwords, click on the Settings button under the class list.
Click on either of the Print buttons to print the passwords.