Our games run directly from the pinkcatgames.com website. There is no software to install and we do not have a mobile app.
Whitelisted Domains
To ensure teachers can access the games, allow the pinkcatgames.com domain and all sub-domains through your school or district firewall. We have a sister website at pinkcatstudio.com for Teacher Tools including attendance that many teachers also use so it would be best to also allow the pinkcatstudio.com domain and sub-domains as well.
Supported Browsers
We support the latest releases of Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox.
Supported Devices
The games will run on any device that uses one of the supported browsers as listed above. Many classroom teachers use interactive whiteboards to play the games whole class and also set up games for students to play on devices such as iPads, laptops and Chromebooks.
Admin Accounts
We do not have admin accounts. Teachers manage their own accounts. School or districts can purchase subscriptions for teachers by following these instructions: Purchase Orders & Quotes for Districts or Schools
Teacher Accounts
Accounts are for teachers or parents only. Students do not have accounts as teachers provide students access to games through their teacher account. To learn how teachers create accounts, please read this tutorial: Creating an Account
Our licensing is per teacher and teachers cannot share accounts. A 1-Year Games Subscription must be purchased for each teacher that will use the games website. Subscriptions do not auto-renew. To learn more about the subscription, please read the article: What is the 1-Year Games Subscription?