We have a searchable library of thousands of question sets and word lists that have been created by us and by the teachers that use this platform. You can search the library on the Choose Questions page. If you don’t find the questions you are looking for, you can create your own on the My Questions page.
To search for and choose questions for your game, go to the Choose Questions page. You can go to this page at any time by clicking on the word Play in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
The Choose Questions page contains a search box where you can type in keywords for the type of questions you are looking for. For example, you could type in the word articulation to find question sets for articulation.
Search Filters
Under the search bar are filters that you can use to refine your search or you can use them instead of searching. The filters include Grade, Subject, Format and Language.
For example, rather than searching for a specific skill, you could choose a grade from the Grade filter and then browse all of the question sets available for that grade.
Or you could select a subject from the Subject filter such as Speech Therapy and then browse the results.
Under the filters there are 4 tabs called Featured, My Questions, Favorites and Search Results. If you click on them, they will show you different views of either the search results or questions you have created or favorited.
Featured: Click this tab to be shown a selection of the most popular questions and word lists.
My Questions: Click this tab to see all of the question sets and word lists that you have created. You can learn how to make your own questions by reading the Creating Questions Tutorial.
Favorites: Click this tab to see a list of all of the question sets and word lists that you have favorited.
Search Results: Click this tab to go back to your latest search results.
Question Search Results
After you have searched or filtered questions on the Choose Questions page, you will be presented with a list of resulting question sets. The picture below shows the first two results when I filtered by Grade and chose Kindergarten.
Each result has a name and description as well as category for the subject, grade and language. You can see how many questions or words are in the question set and who the author is that created the set.
Simply click on a question set to choose it and move on to choosing a game, or click on an action on the questions card to preview, favorite or copy the questions.
In the bottom right corner of each result are clickable words that perform a function on the questions:
Preview: Pops up a window that will show you all of the questions or words included in the result.
Favorite: Will add this question set to your list of Favorites for quick access in the future.
Copy: Will copy the questions to your My Questions list so that you can edit the questions how you see fit.
Flag: Helps you to report errors found in the questions so that we can fix them.
If you click on the word Preview, you can step through the questions or view the words that are included in that set. The image below shows the Preview for an Addition to 10 multiple choice question set.
Question Formats
You will notice that there are two formats for question sets: multiple choice and word list. Word lists can be played in all of the games and multiple choice question sets work in a limited number of games.
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple choice questions are in the format you would expect. There is a question and up to 4 choices for the answer. Because the question itself can be almost anything, this type of question set is not compatible with our spelling and word games for example.
You can learn how to create your own questions by reading the Creating Questions Tutorial.
Word Lists
Word lists are simply a list of words with an optional matching image. Word lists will work in all the games. A word list can have several categories within it to organize the words in that list. These categories make it easy to select groups of words to play in the games and they are also required for the Scrapbook sorting game.
Special Cases for Word Lists
A word list doesn't always have to contain a word. It can be a list of simple math questions like 3+5 for example where the answer is a picture of the number 8. Using a word list in this way would allow you to play math questions in the games that only work with word lists like the Mystery Pictures and Memory Matching games for example. To find word lists with math questions, search for a math skill on the Play page and then choose Word List from the Format filter.
Another special case for words lists is using them in the Sentence Scramble game. In this case rather than the list being words, it needs to be sentences for the game to work properly.
Now that you know how to search for questions, the next step is to choose a game in which to play the questions you have chosen.